MyKanga - About Us
The vision for MyKanga grew out of something I created for my daughter years ago: a child-sized, safe and cozy sleeping bag. My inspiration was to create something to use at home in her room for naps, in the backyard in her play tent, and away at friends’ or relatives homes for sleepovers...something much more than a sleeping blanket. It was a safe place for her to feel comfortable and to be comforted by always having her own part of home when away from home”. The Bag was used on a daily and/or weekly basis until she outgrew it and it was passed onto a friend's child for their use and enjoyment.
The brand name and vision for MyKanga© comes from the concept of a kangaroo’s pouch with her baby joeys inside, who are safe, warm and comfortable; therefore the addition of accessible inside pockets! Each unique MyKanga Sleeping Bag also has a built-in pillow because this lifelong camper always wished the pillow had been attached to her sleeping bag. A MyKanga Sleeping Bag is suitable for infants to children aged 7 – 8 year olds (depending on their height). For babies, the MyKanga Sleeping Bag's Pockets accommodate baby supplies, such as a soother or toy; and MyKanga Sleeping Bags fit perfectly in a crib! For the older kids, who always like to bring something with them wherever they go, MyKanga Pockets are perfect, safe storage space, for a prized possession, book, toy, gaming device or phone.
The MyKanga© logo inherently represents the safety and comfort we all need and desire for our children. The logo was designed by my daughter, Melissa Willcott, a Toronto-based illustrator.
Visit us on etsy at MyKangaSleepingBags for other products, gifts and accessories.
ENJOY your MyKanga Sleeping Bag!!